Haram Foods and Drinks that Muslims Must Avoid

As a Muslim, avoid food and drink Haram is one of the scores that must be fulfilled. Consuming it'll be awarded with sin and avoiding it's a form of faith in Allah SWT.

Allah commands Muslims to always consume halal and good food. As Allah says in Surat Al-Maidah verse 88 which reads

وَكُلُوۡا مِمَّا رَزَقَكُمُ اللّٰهُ حَلٰلًا طَيِّبًا ۖ وَّ اتَّقُوا اللّٰهَ الَّذِىۡۤ

"And eat legal and good food from what Allah has handed for you, and sweat Allah in whom you believe."

The legal origin of all food is halal, unless God forbids or forbids it. That is, we can eat any kind of food that's on this earth, except what's interdicted by God. Every food that's interdicted by the syara'must have its troubles and leaving what's interdicted by the syara'must have its benefits and prices.

Citing the book Halal & Haram Food by Suryana, there are two types of haram food, videlicet haram because of its substance and haram because of its reason.

Haram because the substance is the origin of the food is formerly haram. Meanwhile, it's interdicted because the cause is the origin food it's actually halal, but it can come haram if there's a reason that forbids it. For illustration, stolen cravens, shamanic immolations, or creatures massacred without following halal slaughtering norms.

Haram food in Islam

God prescribes interdicted food in Al-Quran, one of which is in Surah al Maidah verse 3.

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Meaning "It's interdicted for you (to eat) cadavers, blood, pork, ( beast meat) that are massacred in the name of other than Allah, that are strangled, that are beaten, that fall, that are guillotined, and picked by wild creatures, except those whom you have massacred, and (It's interdicted for you) to be offered to icons."

1. Cadavers and Blood

Cadavers are creatures that die by themselves or are killed without being massacred. You could say, carnage is an beast that failed in unnatural circumstances. For illustration, creatures that failed from suffocation, were hit, fell, picked, and were attacked by wild creatures.

Still, there are exceptions for locust and fish cadavers as well as liver and spleen. Prophet Muhammad stated this in a hadith recited by Imam Ahmad and Al-Baihaqi.

"It has been legalized for us two cadavers and two blood. The two cadavers were fish and grasshoppers. The two bloods are the liver and the spleen."

2. Pork

Gormandizers are one of the creatures that are interdicted in the training of Islam. All food that comes from gormandizers mustn't be eaten, whether domestic gormandizers or wild gormandizers, manly or womanish.

God proscribed pork because it was a veritably dirty beast. Generally, gormandizers eat everything given to them, be it cadavers or feces. Gormandizers beget numerous conditions. In addition, gormandizers don't have a neck, while the halal bloodbath process is to butcher on the neck.

3. Halal creatures massacred in the wrong way

Halal creatures that are massacred in the wrong way will enter the order of haram food for a reason. For illustration, creatures massacred without mentioning the name of Allah and creatures massacred for icons.

Haram Drinks in Islam

Quoting the book Food and Drink in Islam by Fahd Salem Bahammam, then are a many drink which is interdicted in Islam

.1. Liquor and Alcohol (khamr)

All forms of drink that are intoxicating, dangerous, confusing, and impacting the mind are called liquor, and are interdicted to drink. Prophet Muhammad SAW said

"Every intoxicant is liquor and every intoxicant is haraam." (HR Muslim,no. 2003)

The law for a Muslim who drinks alcohol is a great sin. Allah has rigorously interdicted in Surah Al Maidah verse 90.

“ O you who believe! Surely liquor, gambling, ( immolating to) icons, and casting lots with arrows, are abominable deeds and include the deeds of the devil. So stay down ( deeds) that you may prosper."

2. Drinks From Blood

Allah has verified that blood is haram in Surah Al Maidah verse 3. Indeed so, there are some people who drink the blood of creatures similar as snakes and so on for reasons of health.

In fact, there are numerous drugs that are deduced from accoutrements that arehalal.However, Allah allows consuming them with a many notes, If indeed there are no further halal constituents to make drugs and are in a state of urgency. This is explained in Surah Al-An'am verse 145

فَمَنِْ انَُّْرَّ غَيْرَ بَغٍا وَلاَ عَلاٍ فٍنَّ رَبََّّكَ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ

Say"Whosoever is impelled, and desireth not, nor transgresseth, also verily thy Lord is Oft-Forgiving, Utmost Merciful.”

3. Drinks in a Golden Vessel

drink in a vessel of gold is unlawful for a Muslim. Because, this is one of the traditions that apostates generally do and God doesn't like it.

In addition, this action is also considered inordinate and not in agreement with Islamic law. The Prophet ( peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said

" Don't drink from vessels made of gold and tableware and don't eat from plates made of both. Because those effects are for them (the doubters) while in the world." (HR Bukhari)

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